Branding for Screenwriters

It takes more than a Screenplay to Script Your Success!

Eunice N. Smith
7 min readMay 10, 2021
Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

Many screenwriters struggle with feeling boxed in when they’re told to choose a lane and stick to it. When you’re talented and enjoy exploring multiple genres, it’s fair that you don’t want ANYONE limiting your vision and telling you what you can’t do — and that’s fair. The reality though is that business is about making money and mitigating risks so, you have to help people understand what they’re getting if they bring you on board in their writer’s room or even decide to pitch your project to get your screenplay greenlit.

What am I saying? If you love to write comedy but dabble in crime drama and also children’s sci-fi, how would you summarize that for a potential agent or producer? Great question right? I’ve heard many writers say “I can write anything” and while that may be absolutely your truth, what others hear is “they don’t know what they’re doing.” And guess what, they won’t waste their time trying to figure it out.

Why You Need A Brand

When it comes to creating a brand, the idea is to help people wrap their heads around what you bring to the table, how you fit in to fulfill a need THEY have and how you can help their bottom line. Nobody is interested in your script because they care about YOU — I know it’s a…



Eunice N. Smith

Professional Screenwriting Consultant I teach screenwriters how to develop the screenplays that lead to $$$ and Career Opportunities you deserve. #WriteOn